[IMAGE] Windows Programming with Shareware Tools Meet the Author

About the Author:

Victor R. Volkman received a BS in Computer Science from Michigan Technological University in 1986. He is the author of more than 150 published reviews of shareware programming tools. Since 1987, he has been a frequent contributor to many industry journals including the C Gazette, C/C++ User's Journal, Windows Developer's Journal, CONNECT Magazine and others. He has served as Librarian for C/C++ Users Group, a collection point for shareware and freeware C/C++ programming tools, since 1993. Volkman is the sole proprietor of the HAL 9000 BBS, an Ann Arbor BBS providing very low-cost Internet services and running continuously since 1988.

Another Satisfied Customer!

Speaking Engagements:

How to book a Speaking Engagement:

I will make myself available to any computer user group between Cleveland, OH and Chicago, IL. The user group should find a local bookstore that is willing to host the event and inform its members by email or newsletter of the date. For the most effective presentation, an LCD computer video projector is desirable. Contact me by email to help set the calendar.

Author Presentation:

The talk is divided into two main sections. First, in "Top Ten Windows Shareware Programming Tools" I will provide mini-demos of some outstanding shareware products. All of these products are featured in my book and included on accompanying CD-ROM. This should take roughly 20 to 30 minutes. This section of the talk will only be presented if LCD computer video projection is available.

In "Secrets of Shareware Success", you'll learn about what it takes to become serious about making a shareware product, and have users take your software seriously. I'll talk about important methods of distribution, registration, and support which make the difference between success and failure. This infrastructure, consisting of non-profit, not-for-profit, and commercial ventures is the life support system for shareware. This should take about 20 minutes plus Q&A.

This page maintained by Victor R. Volkman
Last updated on 4/24/96