C++ Coding Standards
Coding Standards: Good Idea or Subtle Evil? Jeff Covey's guest editorial at Freshmeat.Net takes aim at Hungarian Notation and other coding standards. (Aug 2000)
CoreLinux++ - C++ Coding Standards This document describes the C++ Coding Standards as they are used in the corelinux++ project. It provides a set of guidelines, rationales and standards for C++ coding with the aim of helping Linux developers (Aug 2000)
Geosoft C++ Programming Style Guidelines This document lists C++ coding recommendations common in the C++ development community. The recommendations are based on established standards collected from a number of sources, individual experience, local requirements/needs (May 2002)
Industrial Strength C++ - coding standards Originally a book written by Mats Henricson and Erik Nyquist, Industrial Strength C++ is now available as free download in PDF format. Considered by many to be a great coding standard. (May 2002)
Macadamian Coding Conventions for C++ and Java Macadamian provides a single unified document with coding conventions for both C++ and Java. Includes filenames, documentation, error handling, test/debug support, macros, assertions, naming conventions, and more. (Aug 2000)
Mozilla C++ Portability Guide David Williams presents a set of rules, guidelines, and tips that Mozilla developers have found to be useful in making C++ code portable across many machines and compilers. (Aug 2000)
Sample Coding Rules for C++ Sample Coding Rules for C++ lists the guidelines used by the hypothetical "XYZ Corporation". You can use these guidelines and customize for your own organization. (May 2002)
Todd Hoff's C++ Coding Standards The proposal here has evolved over many projects, many companies, and literally a total of many weeks spent arguing. It is no particular person's style and is certainly open to local amendments. (Aug 2000)
Wildfire C++ Programming Style (with Rationale) Keith Gabryelski's style document includes rationale for filenames, macros, identifiers, white space, types, variables, functions, statements, portability rules and C/C++ interactions (Aug 2000)
See also: C++ Class DesignSee Also: if you are interested in C++ Coding Standards you may find related topics in C++ Class Design
Books about C++ Coding StandardsA complete list of books on C++ Coding Standards available through Amazon.COM