CPU Central - info on all x86 CPUs Reviews of motherboards and CPUs, articles about overclocking, wholesale CPU prices, and all the latest news about upcoming CPU products (Nov 1998)
OPENBIOS - ambitious freeware BIOS project Since the beginning PC BIOS have been DOS-specific, 16-bit, real-mode, etc. The OpenBIOS group intends to create a free BIOS for PCs. So far we have little code, but we are working on it. (Oct 1999)
PonyProg - burn or read EEPROMs and more PonyProg is a serial device programmer with a user friendly GUI available for Linux and Win32. Able to read from and write to most serial devices such as I²C Bus, Microwire, SPI EEPROM, the Atmel AVR, and Microchip PIC micro. Freeware (Dec 2001)
Porting Windows Device Drivers to AMD64 Platforms This white paper provides a technical overview of the AMD64 technology and first steps to jumpstart porting of existing 32-bit device drivers to a version of Microsoft Windows for AMD64 with an emphasis on maintaining a single source code base. (May 2003)
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